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How to Create Your Social Media Marketing Strategy in 8 Easy Steps

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In today’s fast-paced digital world, social media has become an essential component of any successful marketing strategy. With billions of active users on various social media platforms, businesses of all sizes can effectively reach their target audience, boost brand awareness, and drive conversions. However, simply having a presence on social media is not enough. To truly harness the power of social media, businesses must pick the right platform and have a solid social media marketing strategy in place.

A well-executed social media strategy can help businesses establish a strong online presence, build brand authority, and increase customer engagement. In this guide, we’ll walk you through 8 easy steps to create an effective social media marketing strategy that will help you achieve your business goals and stand out in a crowded digital landscape.

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What is a social media marketing strategy?

A social media marketing strategy is an overview of everything you plan to do and hope to accomplish on social media. It will outline your goals, your marketing methods and the metrics you will track to measure progress. It directs your actions, keeps you accountable and lets you know whether you’re succeeding or failing. The more detailed your plan is, the more effective it will be.

If you are wondering whether social media is even worth investing time and money into, then you really need to check out our article on the benefits social media brings to your business.

Here are the 8 steps to create a social media marketing strategy that will help to promote your business.

Step 1. Define your goals

Before you jump into the social media pool, take a step back and ask yourself – what’s your end game? Are you trying to make your brand a household name, send more folks to your website, or score some sweet, sweet leads? Defining clear and specific goals is key to creating a social media marketing strategy that rocks.

To make sure your goals are up to snuff, use the S.M.A.R.T. method (because who doesn’t love a good acronym?) – Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-bound. Keep in mind that your social media marketing goals should align with your overall marketing objectives and be designed to serve your business goals.

There are a ton of different metrics you can track to measure your success on social media, but you don’t need to track them all. In fact, focusing on just 3 key metrics per platform is generally sufficient. The metrics you choose will depend on what you’re trying to achieve. For instance, if you’re using Instagram to drive traffic to your website, you might track click-throughs. If your goal is brand awareness on YouTube, you’ll want to keep an eye on video views. And if you’re advertising on Facebook, cost-per-click (CPC) is a common metric to measure success.

So don’t just throw spaghetti at the social media wall and hope something sticks – set S.M.A.R.T. goals, track the metrics that matter, and watch your social media strategy work wonders for your business!

table of social media goals

Step 2: Know your audience

Listen up, friends – if you want to create a social media strategy that’s firing on all cylinders, you need to get to know your audience. We’re talking demographics, behaviors, interests – the whole enchilada. Armed with this knowledge, you can create content that speaks directly to your target audience and make sure it gets in front of them where they hang out on social media.

If you’re already running social media ads, congratulations – you’ve got a treasure trove of juicy data at your fingertips! Social media analytics can help you glean valuable insights into who your followers are and how they interact with your brand on social media. Armed with this info, you can refine your strategy and make sure you’re targeting the right audience with the right message.

So don’t be a stranger – get to know your audience like you would your best friend, and watch your social media strategy soar!

Step 3: Choose your platforms

Listen up, peeps – not all social media platforms are created equal, and you don’t want to waste your precious time and resources on platforms that won’t give you the best bang for your buck. So it’s crucial to choose the ones that align with your target audience and business objectives.

For instance, if your audience is all about visuals, you’ll want to focus your attention on visual-based platforms like Instagram and Pinterest. Or, if you want to use different social networks for different strategies, you might want to use Snapchat and Instagram exclusively for content creation and idea sharing, while Twitter is reserved for customer service.

If you’re still feeling unsure about which platforms to focus on, why not do a little competitor research? See what’s working for other businesses in your industry and take notes on best practices and areas where your competitors are lacking.

And don’t sweat it if you’re a small business that can’t tackle every single platform out there. Focus on the ones that will have the most impact on your business and make sure your marketing team has the resources to handle content for those networks. Or hey, you could always hire a performance-driven marketing agency like us at Grow Faster Marketing – just saying!

Step 4: Set up your profiles

Alright, folks – now that you’ve chosen the social media platforms that work best for your business, it’s time to create (or spruce up) your profiles. This step might be a piece of cake, but don’t skimp on the details! Make sure to fill in all the relevant information so your audience knows who you are and what you’re all about.

When it comes to creating your social media profiles, it’s important to keep a few things in mind. First, make sure your profile picture is eye-catching and represents your brand well. This could be your company logo or a professional headshot, depending on your business and personal style. Maybe even get verified with Meta Verified!

Next, take some time to craft your bio or “about” section. This is a great opportunity to tell your audience who you are, what you do, and why they should follow you. Don’t be afraid to show some personality here – after all, social media is all about building relationships and connecting with people.

And don’t forget to include a link to your website or landing page, so people can easily find out more about your business and take action if they’re interested. If you have multiple links to share, consider using a tool like Linktree to create a clickable landing page that houses all of your important links in one place.

Finally, make sure your profile is consistent across all platforms. Use the same profile picture, bio, and branding elements (like colors and fonts) so your audience can easily recognize you and your content, no matter where they find you. With these tips in mind, you’ll be well on your way to creating killer social media profiles that attract and engage your target audience!

And here’s a pro tip for ya: don’t forget to use high-quality images that follow the recommended dimensions for each platform. Trust us, this can make a huge difference in how your profile looks and performs. If you’re not sure about image sizes, no worries – we’ve got your back! 

Step 5: Develop a content strategy

Let’s talk content strategy! Just like a superhero needs a solid plan before going into battle, your social media marketing strategy needs to have clear content goals that align with your target audience and business objectives. Decide on what type of content you want to create, how often you want to post, and what tone you want your brand to have. Remember, consistency and quality are essential for creating a strong social media presence that will keep your followers engaged.

While it’s important to make your brand stand out, there’s no harm in taking inspiration from other businesses that are killing it on social media. In fact, one of the best ways to get ahead is to know thy “foe” better. Keep tabs on your competitors with social listening, and check out what they’re posting and what others are saying about them.

Another great way to get inspired is by looking at your favorite brands on social media. See if there’s anything you can learn from their content strategy, such as what kind of content compels people to engage and share. RyanAir is a great example of a brand that has leveraged TikTok with self-deprecating humor, creating funny videos that are entertaining for people to watch. By showing a more human side, they were able to connect with their audience and get over 400 million views.

If you’re already using social media, it’s always a good idea to do an audit and see what can be improved on your content strategy. You can also run polls to understand what your followers would like to hear from you. And, of course, make sure that your content strategy aims to reach the goals you’ve defined earlier. Remember, the key to success is to stay true to your brand while also being open to new ideas and strategies that can help you stand out on social media.

Step 6: Schedule and automate

Let’s talk about how you can make your social media life easier with scheduling and automation. Who wants to spend all day glued to their phone, amirite?

Start by creating a social media content calendar to organize your posts by channel, date, and time. That way, you can plan out your content and schedule it for the best times to get the most likes and engagement. Don’t forget to mix things up with a variety of content types so your followers won’t get bored. Aim for a content mix that’s 20% lead generation, 50% website traffic, 20% reposted content, and 10% about your company’s culture.

But how do you know what kind of content to post? That’s where the rule of thirds comes in! A third of your content should promote your business, convert readers, and make you some cash. Another third should share ideas and stories from industry leaders and like-minded businesses. And the final third should be personal interactions with your audience to keep things friendly and fun.

So, how often should you post? Here are the recommendations:

  • Instagram feed: 3-7 times per week
  • Facebook: 1-2 times per day
  • Twitter: 1-5 times per day
  • LinkedIn: 1-5 times per day

With these tips, you’ll be a scheduling and posting pro in no time. No more scrambling to come up with a post at the last minute or feeling overwhelmed by the constant need to create content. Just sit back, relax, and let automation do the work for you! (Or for the fraction of the price, get a pro like Grow Faster Marketing handle it all for you.)

Step 7: Engage with your audience

Social media is like a two-way street – it’s not just about shouting into the void and hoping someone hears you. You gotta interact with your audience, too! Respond to comments and messages in a jiffy, and always give your followers a reason to engage with your content. This is how you build a strong relationship with your audience and create brand loyalty that lasts.

Don’t forget to thank your followers for their compliments and love, and make sure to address any issues or concerns that come up – you don’t want a little problem to turn into a big one!

Step 8: Track performance and make adjustments

Social media is like a two-way street – it’s not just about shouting into the void and hoping someone hears you. You gotta interact with your audience, too! Respond to comments and messages in a jiffy, and always give your followers a reason to engage with your content. This is how you build a strong relationship with your audience and create brand loyalty that lasts.

Don’t forget to thank your followers for their compliments and love, and make sure to address any issues or concerns that come up – you don’t want a little problem to turn into a big one!

The wrap up

Congratulations! You’ve now completed the 8 steps to create a successful social media marketing strategy. It’s important to remember that your strategy is not set in stone and will need to be updated as social media platforms and trends evolve. Keep a close eye on your analytics and use the data to refine your strategy to ensure that you are meeting your goals and reaching your target audience effectively.

As a business owner, developing a successful social media marketing strategy can be time-consuming and overwhelming. That’s where we come in. Our team of experts can guide you through each of the 8 steps mentioned in this guide and help you create a customized social media marketing plan that aligns with your business goals and reaches your target audience effectively. We can also provide ongoing support to ensure that your strategy stays up-to-date with the latest trends and changes in the industry. And we are able to help if you want to obtain the Canadian Digital Adoption Program Grant that will pay for all of these.

Remember, social media is constantly evolving, so it’s important to work with a team that can keep up with the latest updates and make adjustments to your strategy as needed. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you create a successful social media marketing plan and grow your business faster.

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